Cumulative thesis or monograph?

Special regulations apply for cumulative theses. They must contain at least 2 publications. At least one of them must be published or in press, while the other(s) may be included at the stage of submission. Publications on preprint servers and reviews are eligible for cumulative theses, as well. The confirmations of acceptance/submission must be included in the thesis. The student must be the main contributor (first or co-first author) on at least one of these papers. Also, it must be clearly specified what the student's contribution to the paper was. Blockage of thesis must be requested for 2 years (see chapter "Submission of thesis & registration for defense).

Our Guidelines for cumulative theses may give you an idea of how a cumulative thesis should be written.

Papers that do not show the correct affiliation to the Vienna Biocenter PhD Program will not be considered for cumulative theses.

If you have only one published paper, your thesis will be a monograph with an introduction, methods, discussion, and a conclusion that refers to all parts of your thesis. Feel free to include the pdf of your paper in your thesis. A contribution statement must be included, similar to cumulative thesis.
Still, you may use the guidelines for cumulative theses to help you structure your dissertation.