Termine Masterdefensios

Wann und wo - Studierender - Thema - Prüfungssenat


  • Mo. 29.April 2024, 14.00 Uhr/MPL SR 2, Dr.Bohrgasse 9/6.Stock,1030 Wien
    Yordanova Irena - Investigating gene expression - and DNA methylation profiles in coronary artery disease - Weinhäusel, Seiser,Bücker(Vorsitz)
  • Do. 2. Mai 2024, 14.00 Uhr/MPL SR 3.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9,1030 Wien
    Geppner Clemens - Developing and refining a FRAP-based transport assay in combination with RNAi to identify key molecular players regulating peripheral ER to nuclear envelope connections - Otsuka, Dong,Fuchs(Vorsitz)
  • Di. 7.Mai 2024, 12.00 Uhr/Raum 06.A9.06/­Univ.Klinik Neurologie, Währingergürtel 18,1090 Wien
    Plischek Nina - Changes of the microstructural integrity of the white matter after Transcranial Pulse Stimulation in Parkinson's patients - Beisteiner,Lanzenberger,Hummel(Vorsitz)
  • Mi. 8.Mai 2024,11.00 Uhr/Inst.f.Pharmakologie/Währingerstraße 13a, 1090 Wien
    Sofic Amila - Influence of alpha-synuclein on serotonin transporter in Parkinson`s disease - Steinkellner,Berger,Hummel(Vorsitz)