Submission of thesis & registration for defense

1. Upload your thesis on u:space

Start by uploading your thesis on u:space so that it can be checked for plagiarism. Once you have uploaded the document, you will receive an upload confirmation (“Hochladebestätigung”). Review and verify the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page. This information is automatically loaded from university’s database and includes your name and academic degrees, as well as details regarding the supervision of your thesis. Every thesis must contain a German abstract of at least 500 characters. The abstract is a brief summary of the central points of your thesis. Optionally, you can also include an English abstract.

Your thesis will be anonymized before the plagiarism test by removing the first 6 pages. Therefore, make sure that your thesis does not show any personal data and acknowledgements from page 7 on, and do not include a CV in your thesis.

Please find the guidelines for a cumulative thesis here.

2. Plagiarism check

If any textual similarities are detected between your work and other texts, the study program management will examine whether it constitutes plagiarism. Please do not proceed with printing your thesis until you have received feedback (via email to your u:account) confirming a successful plagiarism check. The printed version must exactly match the electronically submitted version.


  • It is your responsibility to send the pdf of your thesis to the reviewers.
  • Your reviewers will grade the thesis you submit to them, but are not supposed to suggest changes. Therefore, wait for the result of the plagiarism test before you forward your thesis to the reviewers.
  • At the same time, the SSC will contact your reviewers with instructions.

3. Submisson of hard-bound copies and paperwork

After a successful plagiarism check, you must submit three hard-bound copies of your thesis to Theresa. Binding can be done in any copyshop, but we recommend the Lehrmittelstelle, located at the University of Vienna (main building). They do the job nicely within 24 hours and charge less than 20 € per copy.

You will also need to submit the following paperwork to Theresa (via mail):

  • Confirmation of upload, signed
  • SL.P4_Registration_for_defense. Name Chair of examination panel and 3 examiners. Your supervisor cannot be examiner, but will be chair and should in any case be present.
  • Prüfungspass_DoktoratPhD.doc, with all your courses pasted into §3. Do not sign
  • the statistics sheet (to be completed online at,
  • 3 bound copies of your thesis. Note that your thesis must be printed double-sided and bound in hard cover.
  • for students who have diacritic letters (e.g. ğ, ş, š, ý) in their names: attach a copy of your passport if you want the PhD certificate to show the correct spelling of your name

Who may act as examiner?
You may appoint the reviewers of your thesis, group leaders @ Max Perutz Labs, IMP/IMB/GMI, UW or MUW, members of your thesis committee, collaborators, or any other senior scientist of your research area.

Ideally, your reviewers should also be examiners. If this is the case, the University of Vienna pays up to 700 € for travel costs (incl. 1 night at the hotel) of your external examiners (if 2 of your examiners come from abroad, it is 350 € for each). However, travel costs are not reimbursed if your examiner has not reviewed your thesis.

Your examiners will book their tickets and accomodation on their own and send an informal request for refund to, attaching scans of all invoices and receipts.
The third examiner may be appointed as outlined above. Travel needs to be arranged and covered independently.


Please note, when uploading your thesis, you will be asked whether your thesis should be available online or not. This decision is up to you and independent of a potential request for blockage. If you check the "not available" option, your bound thesis copies will be forwarded to the library of the Faculty of Life Sciences, to the University Library, and the National Library, but your thesis will not appear online.

In case you and your supervisor do not wish your thesis to be available at the 3 libraries, you must complete the form "SL.W3 Blockage of thesis", indicating the time period and the reason. Note that it will not be sufficient to say your data are unpublished and not yet verified. The only acceptable reasons are cumulative theses, patents, and cooperations with companies. Attach copies of the cooperation contracts and confidentiality agreements.

Find more information about thesis embargo here.

About 1 week before your defense, send out an announcement to the Bulletin or ask Theresa if you prefer her to do it. Please also inform her in case you change time or venue of your defense!