University registration

University registration


By defining standards of supervision, the University of Vienna is following international examples and taking a further step towards quality assurance in doctoral education. In addition to the competencies and responsibilities of the heads of doctoral schools and supervisors, the Code of Good Practice also provides a transparent list of the responsibilities of doctoral students. This common code of good practice can be found here.

The Vienna Biocenter PhD Program has a more specific code of good practice.

Please read both codes carefully, and affirm your commitment the Vienna Biocenter PhD Program.

Pflichtfelder sind mit einem roten Quadrat markiert
Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld
Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld: Consent


Register at, activate your u:account and submit your online application for admission. If you have a work contract with the University of Vienna: do not use the login details as employee, but create a new account as student.
The e-mail address you give here will be used in all correspondence with the Admission Office throughout the admission process.Upload the following documents (in pdf format) with your application:

If you have a degree from another university or university of applied sciences, submit the following documents, as well:

•                 Your passport or personal ID
•                 A passport photograph
•                 Your bachelor and master/diploma certificates and transcripts with the required legalization for the issuing country.

All documents must be translated, unless issued in German or English. This translation has to be done by a court sworn translator after the documents were legalized.

Form download and detailed information about the registration procedure, legalization and university fees are available at

Admissions will send you the acceptance letter and instructions on how to

1. pay the tuition fee/Students' Union fee (currently € 20,70),
2. get your student ID number (Matrikelnummer) and your student ID card

You will be co-registered with the Medical University of Vienna (MUW) by default.
In order to access all MUW services, follow the instructions here.


For students with primary affiliation with MUW:
once your are enrolled for PhD Molecular Biosciences at MUW, you will be co-registered with UW by default.
To access all UW services, follow the instructions here.


General information

winter term (= Wintersemester, WS):  1 October – 28 February
summer term (= Sommersemester, SS): 1 March – 30 September

Deadlines for payment of tuition/student union fees:
General admission period: 15 October (winter term) and 15 March (summer term);
Extended admission period: 31 October (winter term) and 31 March (summer term), with 10% surcharge.

Remember to pay your dues in time in every semester, and to apply online for equal status with EU citizens by March 31 and Oct. 31. Please find more information here.

Applications for university registration are accepted throughout the year.