study programs MMB, MMEI and MNEU

at least 14 days before the date of the defense:
please send the submission forms by e-mail to and hand in the books (possible around the clock) to the doorman - 3.,Dr.Bohrgasse 9


You send an email with:

  • a confirmation that all achievements are assigned to the correct modules in the electronic examination pass(on Uspace) and that there are no additional achievements that should not be used for the degree (an informal sentence is sufficient).
    Please make sure that the modules for the degree are only minimally overfilled, unless there is no other way due to the course selection - therefore move the excess ECTS to the module of interest (leave if you can no longer do it yourself).
  • signed confirmation of thesis upload to the plagiarism check server via u:space- see Plagiarism check-select offline if you don't want it to be visible
  • Confirmation from survey of study-related stays abroad (even if you did not stay abroad) from Statistik Austria
  • Thesis assessment form filled out and signed by the supervisor. It should include an informal written justification of the supervisor's grade printed on the assessment form or separate sheet
  • if your name or Master thesis title or name includes special characters, send a copy of your passport
  • Information about the public defense
    Please fill in the form with the information about the defense carefully -have the examiners approved by SPL Ivan Yudushkin or Angela Witte -
    Provide information regarding the defense venue (specific address, room number, etc) and email of the examination committee (especially if the examiners are not affiliated with the University of Vienna)