Coursework structure
The workload for the bachelor’s degree in biology is 180 ECTS points. This corresponds to a planned study duration of six semesters.
The bachelor’s degree in biology consists of 3 module groups:
- I. Introductory and orientation phase (STEOP) – 16 ECTS credits
It consists of 2 compulsory modules (BIO1 and BIO2). The successful completion of the introductory and orientation phase (STEOP) is the prerequisite for the modules BIO3 to BIO10 and for the modules of the alternative compulsory module groups (so called Schwerpunkte - focal areas) - II. Compulsory module group – 44 ECTS credits
It consists of 8 compulsory modules (BIO 3 to BIO 10). The successful completion of selected modules in the compulsory module group II can be the prerequisite for individual courses with continuous assessment in the alternative compulsory module groups (focal areas) - III. Alternative compulsory module groups (focal areas) – 120 ECTS credits
You choose one of the compulsory module groups (focal areas), e.g. "Microbiology and Genetics" or "Molecular Biology". The successful completion of the STEOP is a prerequisite for participation in the courses of the alternative compulsory module groups. All requirements for courses with continuous assessment in this compulsory module group are listed individually in the Curriculum
A list of courses in the winter semester 2021 (by module):
- Bachelor degree programme "Biology" (all focal areas)
- Focal area "Microbiology and Genetics" (BMG)
- Focal area "Moleculare Biology" (BMB)
Coursework organization for the focal areas "Microbiology and Genetics" and "Molecular Biology" are shown below (prerequisites for individual modules are highlighted in red).
Structure of the coursework in the Bachelor degree program "Microbiology and Genetics"
Structure of the coursework in the Bachelor degree program "Molecular Biology"