Bachelor project
Guidelines to implementation and submission of the Bachelor projects
Microbiology and Genetics
Angela WITTE
is responsible for the Bachelor projects in the focal area Microbiology and Genetics (BMG)
Molecular Biology
is responsible for the Bachelor projects in the focal area Molecular Biology (BMB)
Rules for submission and completion of the Bachelor project
Bachelor project (Abschlussarbeit) can be performed in one of two ways:
1) as a practical course in teaching labs (PP301551 for students of the focal area Microbiology and Genetic and PP301554 for students of the focal area Molecular Biology). For PP301551 and PP301554 registration via U:SPACE during the registration period is required.
2) in individual research labs (PP301552 for students of the focal area Microbiology and Genetics and PP301554 for students of the focal area Molecular Biology). Do NOT allocate points for PP301552 and PP301554! For these there is NO registration deadline; registrations are possible throughout the year by filling out the registration form below. Please notice that an examiner different from your direct supervisor may be displayed in your Transcript of Records.
1. Registration
The student has to submit the registration form before they start the Bachelor work. The first page of the form has to be signed by SPL Hamilton (BMB) or SPL Witte (BMG) and kept by the student until the submission of the Bachelor work.
Form for registration Bachelor's thesis
2. Duration of the Bachelor work
According to the curriculum the Bachelor work counts for 10 ECTS corresponding a workload of 6 weeks practical work + 2 weeks for the preparation of the protocol and the abstract. Any work beyond this timeframe is a personal agreement with the supervisor and can not be accepted for further ECTS
3. Finishing the Bachelor work and registration into UniVis
The graduation of the Bachelor work by the supervisor (Grade 1-5) on the second page of the registration form has to be submitted together with the first page with the signature of the SPL.
4. Degree and entry in UniVis
The assessment of the work is entered in the StudienServiceCenter Dr-Bohr-Gasse in UniVis. For this purpose, the student must submit the registration form (signed by the SPL before the start of the work) including the summary with assessment of the supervisor, send it to .
5. Submit your degree online on u:space
Please make sure that the modules for the degree are only minimally overfilled, unless there is no other way due to the course selection - therefore move the excess ECTS to the module of interest (leave if you can no longer do it yourself).
If you have successfully completed all required courses of the bachelor's degree and these are correctly assigned on u:space (please check your electronic examination pass on u:space!), please submit the degree online on u:space:
On this page you will find the necessary steps to successfully submit your degree and to receive your degree documents.
In addition to the documents requested under the link, please upload a copy of the cover sheet of your bachelor thesis signed by your supervisor!
Delivery of final documents the final documents
will be sent to you by email after they have been issued and approved by the studyprogram management. These are provided with an official signature and thus have full legal validity.
Organization and formal requirements
The Bachelor project thesis is to be written in German or English. The scope of the work (excluding necessary supplementary materials) should generally be around 10-25 pages-long, written in 12pt font size and 1.5 line spacing. The work should be structured according to the internationally accepted rules of academic publications:
- Cover page
The title should make the topic clear and, if necessary, highlight the most important result. The first and last name of the author, "Studienkennzahl", the title and number of the course in which the project was carried out (according to the course catalogue) should be present on the title page. If several students submit a work together, it must be made clear who was responsible for which part of the project in order to ensure fair and objective grading - Abstract
Abstract must be written in English (also for German-language Bachelor theses) and should not exceed 200-250 words. The abstract provides information in a concise form about the research question, methodology, the most important result(s) and the main conclusion(s) of the project. 5-10 keywords should be included at the end of the abstract. Abstract and keywords must be on a separate page - Introduction
This section describes the research problem and briefly outlines the state of the art required to understand the topic; the necessary literature should be cited (please avoid unnecessarily redundant citations). In this section you must explicitly formulate the research question(s) or working hypothesis, which should naturally derive from the the existing knowledge gaps. - Materials and methods
This chapter describes the experimental procedures, which were carried out in order to address the research question(s) or to test working hypothesis(es). Describe the origin and/or maintenance of organisms or other biological materials used, how they were treated or observed. Describe the experimental methods and the details of data acquisition and analysis (including explicit reference to the statistical method(s) used). Include references to methodological studies, if necessary - Results
This section must include concise description of the empirical results of the study and include tables, figures and diagrams supporting and illustrating empirical data. Each table must have a short title explaining its content; each figure must include a figure legend, briefly explaining what is shown. Tables and figures must be numbered separately. The text should include references to tables and figures, e.g. Fig. X, Table Y. The sample size must be specified for all measured values. Where necessary, statistical parameters and results of the statistical hypothesis testing (e.g. test parameters, significance levels) must be documented in the corresponding tables or figure legends (or in the text). Interim conclusions should be formulated - Discussion
In this section, you should interpret the empirical results and draw conclusions; compare your own results with previous studies by other authors. Consider how the results could be interpreted differently and include discussion of potential limitations of the used methods or scope of the conclusions. Highlight, how your conclusions address the research questions formulated in the Introduction or explain how the results help you support or reject the working hypothesis - References
All texts and sources cited in the thesis (such as articles from scientific journals, books, internet resources, etc) must be listed in the bibliography (References). Each citation should include at least the following bibliographical data: the name of the author or authors (first names abbreviated, e.g., Müller AB); year of publication; title of the paper; name of the journal (possibly using the internationally accepted abbreviation) or the book; volume number and page numbers; for books also the publisher and place of publication. You may choose any of the accepted international or journal formats (e.g., APA, PNAS, JCB, etc)
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